Sunday, April 10, 2011

Boy with a suitcase - rehearsal visit

Here you can watch the last few minutes of our rehearsal visit of boy with a suitcase. After we saw the first 20 minutes of the play and talked to the actors, a student asked, if the actors could do the first song again. So, -- here it is! Enjoy! And comment on how you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I only just saw the rehearsal-video! So cool! Today the last artists left to go home to Bangalore. The shows have been so great and we spent a fantastic time together, so we are really going to miss everyone of our indian artists. But we will all stay in touch. And in june "Boy with a suitcase" will have its opening night in the Ranga Shankara Theatre in Bangalore! xxx, Julia from Schnawwl
