Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kirtana visits the Tulla Cyber Classes

On Friday Kirtana visited our Cyber Class, to show us some Mudra moves. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Boy with a suitcase - rehearsal visit

Here you can watch the last few minutes of our rehearsal visit of boy with a suitcase. After we saw the first 20 minutes of the play and talked to the actors, a student asked, if the actors could do the first song again. So, -- here it is! Enjoy! And comment on how you like it!

All the info on Boy with a Suitcase!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mudras with Kirtana

Hello my name ist Damla. Today Kirtana from India came to our class and she show us some Mudras moves . Mudra is a danceform with the hands its an old tradition from India. You can tell storys with this moves. You have extra forms with pour hands exampel there were birds, bees , and fish. It was fun but it is dificult. On monday we go to the thearter on look the show ,,Boy with a suitcase" at schnawwl i hop i don't miss the meetingpoint again. After the play we will meet the actors and the musicians again. I will tell you about that next week...!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

rehearsal visit

we visited the rehearsal of boy with a suitcase. there we could see the first 20 minutes and we got the chance to talk to the actors. a great experience! thanks a lot.