Friday, June 17, 2011

An amazing show!

17th June! What a day! We had gone to Ranga shankar to watch the play "Boy with a suitcase" The play began at 7:30pm and ended an hour later. After the play we could stay back and interview the actors.
The story revolved around a boy named Naz who called himself Sindbad the name he often heard from the stories his mother used to often narrate. He had to leave his country since his country was ravaged by a war and soldiers and guns were all over the place. He planned on going to London to stay with his sister. On his journey he met a jovial young girl named Krezia. Together they faced many hardships and difficulties such as soldiers with guns, wolves and fishermen who threw them into the sea. At the end both of them reached London and went their separate ways. The wooden props were abstract and flowed with the play very well. The actors were great and brought out many emotions in an easy to understand manner. Emotions like fear, happiness, anger, slyness, contentment, surprise, love etc.When they were in trouble the emotions enacted by the actors made the audience feel the fire in their souls.
There was a great blend of Indian and German culture in terms of music, costumes etc. During the interview the actors told us that they felt comfortable working with each other. It seems the perfection that the actors have acquired has come through alot of training and practise over the years!


  1. Hey Rhea,
    you gave a very nice summary. But how did YOU like it? WHat did you like best? Was it the first time you saw German actors?

  2. I liked the play alot, the play was great and it is hard to tell what was best though i really liked the way the prop was used. It was fun figuring out what role the wooden box was playing in every scene. I felt that is was very innovative.

  3. And yes that was the first time i saw German actors.
